15 Core Values
These 15 Core Values can be found on VBM's website here.
- WALK WITH GOD To prioritize a personal relationship with Jesus and become more like Him each day
- BUILD A GODLY HOME To continually work on building a God-honoring marriage and family
- LEAD WITH INTEGRITY To be honest men and women of godly character in every aspect of life and ministry
- BE A LEARNER To be teachable, continually growing, learning and pursuing wisdom
- BE A SERVANT To be Christ-like servant-leaders who love and serve others
- BE A GIVER To be generous givers and faithful stewards of our time, resources and abilities
- DO LIFE-ON-LIFE DISCIPLESHIP To prioritize “withness” in making disciples by spending time with and doing life together
- TRAIN LEADERS To train the next generation of Biblical leadership by investing our lives in them
- START MULTIPLE CHURCHES To multiply Biblical churches that are healthy and indigenous through proper church-planting methods
- WORK HARD To work heartily as unto the Lord and to labor abundantly by the grace of God
- WORK AS A TEAM To build and maintain an edifying team with a family spirit
- PURSUE HUMILITY To be meek and lowly in heart, clothed with humility and esteem others better than ourselves
- EXTEND GRACE To be gracious in our words, deeds and interactions with others
- KEEP A WORLD VISION To stay actively engaged in “both” our local ministries and in evangelizing the whole world
- STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE To do the best we can in everything we do for the glory of God