Pastor Aaron Smith of Tomah Baptist Church in WI

More details about Pastor Aaron Smith of Tomah Baptist Church in Tomah, WI showing his unquestioningly blind loyalty to Vision Baptist and its leaders can be found here. Aaron serves as one of the 13 pastors on VBM's Pastoral Advisory Committee.

Can a pastor like Aaron Smith really be trusted to keep Vision Baptist leadership accountable when he is best friends and bosom buddies with one of the 5 Executive Directors and chosen specifically by VBM leadership precisely because of his loyalty?

Extended list:

"Please know, Bro. Gardner is like a father to me. I was raised by a single mom with very little contact with my father growing up. I went on a 5 month mission trip to Peru in 1995 and lived with the Gardner family when I was 19 years old. God used that trip to change my life. I also lived with the Gardners for a year in 1997/1998. They are like family to me. I have been working with Brother Gardner for the last 22 years. I probably know him better than anyone outside his wife. I also know the Earnhart’s very well, up until 2004 anyway. Becky and I had joyful conversations about being part of the adopted gang of the Gardners.

Here are some screenshots of Aaron Smith referenced above:
