Supporting VBM Home Office
"... As a growing and thriving mission, we recognize the importance to provide a plan that informs our missionaries on what is needed financially to continue to provide excellent care, training, and service. We also want to be proactive in growing our board for the glory of God. The following faith-giving commitment is our plan. How does the plan work? As a VBM missionary starts to raise his support, he can voluntarily give a percentage of his support (5%). As his support increases, the amount he gives will also increase. Once he receives $8,000 in support, the percentage will be capped and he will be giving the current set rate of $400 a month. Thus, we are asking you to make a voluntary faith-giving commitment to the mission board. In an effort to know what to give, below is the recommended amount:
5% of support up to $400
As a “by faith” mission, participation in this commitment is not required. This faith-giving commitment plan is presented to help our missionaries know of a unified way they can be involved in supporting the mission board. This commitment is a voluntary decision to participate in the support plan of our board. At anytime, if you no longer want to participate in this support plan, you can choose to opt out.
As we encourage the spirit of generosity, we hope to have 100% of our missionaries involved in giving to the mission in some manner. You are never limited to give at the capped amount, please feel free to give more or less as the Lord leads. We are thankful for all gifts. God bless!
- Vision Baptist Missions"